At Studio Unique we have developed our own Mini Movers Dancely Programme for our pre-school classes! These classes are for our students from 18 months to 4 years old.
These parent/guardian and child classes are great to introduce your child to dancing and singing while being reassured you get to stay with them to join in the class and enjoy some lovely bonding time together!
We are an officially licensed Dancely studio and we bring this programme into all our Mini Movers and Infant classes!
In this class, we will learn the basic steps in ballet, in a fun way by using imagination and lots of props to explore and learn ballet technique! This is a parent/guardian and child class.
In this class, we will be learning the basics in singing, learning all our favourite songs, we will also be introducing imagination exercises and games to this class to explore our drama skills. This is a parent/guardian and child class.
This class moves on from our Baby Ballerinas class and is aimed at students aged 3 to 5 years old who are ready to learn independently! This class follows the ISTD syllabus in Pre-Primary Grade for our younger students to develop basic knowledge and technique in Classical Ballet.
This class will also be using some routines and exercises from our Dancely Programme
This class is our pre and lower school tap class and is aimed at students aged 3 to 5 years old who are ready to learn independently! This class follows the ISTD syllabus in Pre-Primary Grade for our younger students to develop basic knowledge and technique in Tap Dance.
Come along and experience some fun-packed sessions with us that will get you and your child to enjoy some time together and to develop their cognitive and social skills!
Both of these classes will incorporate our new children's dance programme called Dancely, created by the CEO of Dance Studio Owners Association.
Dancely features…
Original Music That Little Ones Love!
Dancely features original music from the award winning songwriters at Disney, Netflix and Marvel -- Powerhouses among children in their own right!
We've included songs for all styles that kids love dancing to and parents love listening to. And every few months, we’ll introduce even MORE new original music.
Original Choreography
Dancely features original choreography from expert dance teachers, who know exactly the moves that make kids jump for joy with delight and excitement. Your little ones are going to have so much fun moving, bouncing, and shaking with us!
We are now fully licensed to bring this programme to our classes from September and it brings with it some great exercises for our younger students to enjoy and helps with correct development and progression for students at these ages!
We’re so excited to see your little ones experience the magic of Dancely with us!