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and POINTE classes

The ISTD is one of the worlds leading dance examination boards. We are fully trained within the ISTD allowing us to teach and put students through their ballet exams.


The roots of Imperial Classical Ballet stem from the early days of the ISTD and the first written syllabus in 1913 which was based on the teaching of the French school from the Paris Opéra. The syllabus has now evolved to promote the English classical style and address the changing needs of ballet dancers today.


Our syllabus classes range from Primary Grade Ballet to Intermediate Level and we run our Mini Movers Dancely programme of Baby Ballerinas and Blossoming Ballerinas for our pre and lower school students learning the basic steps in ballet, in a fun way by using imagination and lots of props to explore and learn ballet technique. 


Examination in the graded syllabus is offered to all students at Studio Unique and students will be offered to study pointe work when they have reached the desired standard during their Grade 5 classes.


Press the button below to see our ballet class timetable and find a relevant graded class or contact us if you would like to discuss the options available for your child.


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